My auto biography

My auto biography 

I am Marcela Cayuqueo, I am student of plastic Arts in the Universitiy of Chile since 2013, and about my... i have three brothers: David, Matias and Ramón,  and one sister, her name is Viviana. My parent is Alicia and Ramón.  i living with my parent, but in the house of my grandfather . I hope soon to live in other place, don`t  like these house.
i have one pet, Robert, my hamster , always we go to the park in the night, this is my favourit moment, because Rober is very slow, he  don´t like run, he just  want to sleep!  
I like doing diferentt activities, i don´t like the routine. So i  participated in choirs, Mapuche theater, dance, football. Currently i practice taekwondo. 
 I have been learning English since 2005, in my secundary school but time later I study in the university and let's forget the language until last year.
I find difficultly to speak English but is easy to learn the verbs or words. In the classes I enjoy that the teacher uses the game to learn or to see videoes


  1. Hello marcela, your blog is very cute, I hope you love your pet like I love mine.
    I like your profile picture, you look pretty

  2. Hi Marcela! Is very interesting your blog. You make a lot of interesting activities. I admire you, because i imagine you are never boring. I hope you stay like that because is very good. Don't forget see my blog !

  3. Hello Marcela !
    i believe that is very cool you make different activities, I am very interested in the Mapuche Theater. I am very interested above all in the Mapuche Theater that you mentioned, I would love for you to tell me more about that

    I hope you're well!
    I follow your blog! don't forget to visit my blog!


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